Wednesday, May 15, 2013


We watched history be made yesterday on the Capital steps in St. Paul. It was truly amazing and awe-inspiring to see so many people, so many families, gather in mass, all in the name  of equality and love.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Making Monday: The Unvieling of our Irrigate Project

We ended up collecting 28 textile squares for students and staff at the Hubbs Center. We put them all together and hung it for everyone to enjoy tonight at the Hubbs Center.

Friday, May 10, 2013

May Day

Blankets laid out in Powderhorn Park to hold spots for the May Day celebration.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Making Monday: Covert Projects

This piece will soon be finished and hanging at the tea garden in Stadium Village. Come check it out starting Wednesday of this week!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blooming Art

Last weekend was Art in Bloom at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. It served as a wonderful excuse to go room the galleries and see what was new. We found a variety of very cool new installations.

We also found a game set up in one of the galleries. It was like a table top i-pad in which you could pick categories and try to find which pieces of art went with which category. We ended up playing cooperatively and got a large group of older women playing with us. There was a lot of laughter and excitement and I think there was even some gained knowledge about the art.

Also Happy MAY DAY everyone!