Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Watch Foriegn Movies - The Way He Looks

Our former roommate, The World Traveler, told us about this brilliant film called The Way He Looks.  Borrowed it from the library and watched it twice.  A romantic film about figuring your shit out as a teenager.  You know, that whole thing.  It is well done though and approved by a variety of film tastes.

The Way He Looks

Monday, March 7, 2016

Being a Better Father When You're Not Even a Mother

With the little humans afoot, we have begun taking more consideration of how we can learn to be better parents.  Given that both of us have lady bodies and neither of us have actually birthed any children from said lady bodies, we have quite a task ahead of us.  As Auntie and Tia, we are attempting to fulfill the roles of Mother and Father.  We have found some traditional methods for learning these roles including talking with other parents and attending ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) classes.  Our favorite resources on how to be good fathers come from some other kinds of sources, listed below.  Here is what we have learned so far, mostly from the bassist, Flea:

1. Be there.  (Classic and yet so difficult, apparently.)
2. Actually care.
3. Really listen.
4. Teach them the good things you know about life.
5. Do the stuff with them that they like to do.
6. Stay calm even though little people rarely stay calm.
7. Admit when you do something wrong and apologize.
8. Reward the positives, discuss the negatives.
9. Tell the truth.
10. Avoid hypocrisy.  (Little humans can smell acts of hypocrisy.)

The Other F Word

Friday, March 4, 2016

Go Swimming (or How the YWCA Saved Our Sanity) - Done

Hello Friends,

The YWCA may be one of the best inventions for people with little humans ever.  Did you know that swimming for an hour forces little humans to pass out instantly?  Also, they have this room where you can drop your kid off and then go sit in a hot tub.  What?  These gifts have actually encouraged me to swim quite a bit.  I have even started running even though I am not playing tag or breaking the law.  Strange.  With one mini triathlon completed and the second one scheduled, I am left wondering what all of this means, but I have grown to love it.  So, with a pair of ugly running shoes from a secondhand store and the tightest article of clothing I own, my racing swimsuit, we are off again.

Much love,


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Toddlers with Backpacks

Hello Friends,

If you know anyone with a toddler or preschooler or are owned by one yourself, encourage the little humans to carry their own backpacks.  This suggestion is made for two main reasons. 

1. I have recently come to the realization that there may be nothing cuter than a toddler with a backpack.

2. Don't do things for them that they can do themselves.  Little humans want to be independent and growns-ups should not thwart that desire by carrying more than they already have to.  Seriously people, put down that princess backpack.  God gave little humans shoulders for a reason.

Supporting evidence below.

Much love,
