Friday, March 4, 2016

Go Swimming (or How the YWCA Saved Our Sanity) - Done

Hello Friends,

The YWCA may be one of the best inventions for people with little humans ever.  Did you know that swimming for an hour forces little humans to pass out instantly?  Also, they have this room where you can drop your kid off and then go sit in a hot tub.  What?  These gifts have actually encouraged me to swim quite a bit.  I have even started running even though I am not playing tag or breaking the law.  Strange.  With one mini triathlon completed and the second one scheduled, I am left wondering what all of this means, but I have grown to love it.  So, with a pair of ugly running shoes from a secondhand store and the tightest article of clothing I own, my racing swimsuit, we are off again.

Much love,


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